.. _Installation: ============ Installation ============ To install the ``imaging-transcriptomics`` Python package you must first of all have Python ``v3.6+`` installed on your system along with the ``pip`` package manager. .. warning:: At current time Python versions 3.9+ are not fully supported as there are some issue during the installation of the Numpy version used by the toolbox in these versions of Python. .. tip:: We suggest installing the package in a dedicated python environment using `venv `_ or `conda `_ depending on your personal choice. The installation on a dedicated environment avoids the possible clashes of dependencies after or during installation. .. note:: All following steps assume that, if you have created a dedicated environment, this is currently active. If you are unsure you can check with ``which python`` from your terminal or activate your environment via the ``source activate`` (for conda managed environments) or ``source venv/bin/activate`` (for venv managed environments). Before installing the ``imaging-transcriptomics`` package we need to install a package that is not available through PyPi but from GitHub only. This package is `pypls `_ and is used in the script to perform all PLS regressions. In order to install it you can run the following command from your terminal .. code:: shell pip install -e git+https://github.com/netneurolab/pypyls.git/#egg=pyls This will install install the GitHub repository directly using pip and it will make it available with the name ``pyls``. .. warning:: Do not install pyls directly from pip with the command ``pip install pyls`` as this is a completely different package! A second package to install for the full functionalities of the imaging-transcriptomics toolbox is the `ENIGMA toolbox `_ . To install this we'll follow the instructions of the developers. In brief, install this by running the commands: .. code:: shell git clone https://github.com/MICA-MNI/ENIGMA.git cd ENIGMA python setup.py install Once these packages is installed you can install the ``imaging-transcriptomics`` package by running: .. code:: pip install imaging-transcriptomics Once you get the message that the installation has completed you are set to go! .. note:: The version ``v1.0.0`` and ``v1.0.1``, can cause some issues on the installation due to compatibility issues of some packages. In version ``v1.0.2+`` this issue has been resolved during installation. If you have one of the older versions installed you might want to update the version using the command ``pip install --upgrade imaging-transcriptomics``. .. note:: From version ``v1.1.0`` has the possibility of running directly from the toolbox also the gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA). Version ``v1.1.8`` has a major speedup in the correlation analyses, reducing the overall time needed to run the analysis.