Script usage

Once you have installed the package you can run the analysis script as:

imagingtranscriptomics --input /path-to-your-in-file [options] {corr|pls [options]}

The script has some options that allow the user to tune the analysis to their specific application. The options are as follows:

  • --input (-i, mandatory): path to the input data. This can be either a neuroimaging scan (i.e., .nii[.gz]) or a text file (i.e., .txt).


    If the input scan is a neuroimaging scan (i.e., .nii, .nii.gz) this is expected to be in the same resolution as the Desikan-Killiany (DK) atlas used which is 1mm isotropic (matrix size 182x218x182). On the other hand if the input is a text file, this must be a text file with one column and no headers, with the rows containing the values of interest in the same order as the DK atlas used.

  • --output (-o, optional): path to the output directory. If none is provided the results will be saved in the same folder as the input scan.

  • --regions (-r, optional): regions to use for the analysis, can be cort+sub (or equivalently all) which specifies that all the regions are used, or, alternatively, cort for the cortical regions only. The latter is useful with some certain types of data, where the subcortical regions might not be available (e.g., EEG).

  • --no-gsea (optional): specifies whether or not Gene Set Enrihment Analysis should be performed.

  • --geneset (optional): specifies the name of the gene set or the path to the file to use for Gene Set Enrichment Analysis.


    The --geneset argument will be ignored if you also specify the --no-gsea flag. If the GSEA analysis is performed, the name of the gene set, or a path to a custom made gene set, should be given. To lookup the name of the available gene sets or on how to create a custom one refer to the GSEA section.

After the selection of the above options, you can now specify the type of analysis to perform. The available analyses are:

  • corr: to perform mass univariate correlation analysis using Spearman’s rank correlation.

  • pls: to perform partial least squares (PLS) analysis. If you select this option you must additionally specify either the number of components to use in the analysis, with the --ncomp option, or the amount of variance to retain from the data, with the --var option.


All paths given as input should be given as absolute paths instead of relative paths to avoid any errors in reading the file.

The imagingtranscriptomics script allows the user to specify the options to perform also the GSEA analysis, directly after the correlation analysis. However, it is not uncommon that on the same imaging data a researcher might have different research questions, which results in different gene sets to use for the investigation. For this reason, in the toolbox there is an additional script that, once a first correlation analysis is performed, allows to run directly the GSEA analysis. This script can be invoked as:

imt_gsea --input /path-to-your-in-file [options]

The running of this script is pretty straightforward, and the options available are:

  • --input (-i, mandatory): path to the input data. To run this script you must have already have performed a correlation analysis, either with mass univariate correlation or with PLS, as the input file is one of the output files of the previous step. The required file is located in the output folder and has .pkl extension.


The --input argument MUST be a .pkl file generated by running the imagingtranscriptomics script.

In addition to the --input argument, the script has the following options:

  • --output (-o, optional): path to the output directory. If none is

provided the results will be saved in the same folder as the input file. - --geneset (optional): specifies the name of the gene set or the path to the file to use for Gene Set Enrichment Analysis. If you want to use one of the provided gene sets you can browse the available ones by running the script with only the --geneset avail option.


To see the gene sets available in the package, run the script with the --geneset avail option, i.e. imt_gsea --geneset avail.

Usage as python library

Once installed the library can be used like any other Python package in custom written analysis pipelines. To the library can be imported by running:

import imaging_transcriptomics as imt

Once imported the package will contain the core ImagingTranscriptomics class, along with other useful functions. To see all the available functions imported in the library run:


which will display all the functions and modules imported in the library.

ImagingTranscriptomics Class

The ImagingTranscriptomics class is the core class of the entire package and allows you to run the entire analysis on your data. To use the class you simply need to initialise it and then run the .run() method.

To initialise the class, you will need to already have decided the type of correlation analysis to perform, as this will be needed as initialisation keyword for the class. The initialisation of the class can be done as follows:

# To initialise the class with PLS analysis
analysis = imt.ImagingTranscriptomics(my_data,

# To initialise the class with mass univariate correlation analysis
analysis = imt.ImagingTranscriptomics(my_data,

In the above code snippets the my_data argument is a numpy.ndarray vector with the imaging data of interest (e.g. the mean intensity of the ROI). The vector MUST be a vector with either 35 or 41 elements, corresponding to the number of ROIs in the left hemisphere of the brain (35 for the cortical regions and the remaining for the subcortical regions).

There are addiotional parameters that can be used for the initialisation of the class, which are:

  • method ("pls" or "corr", mandatory): specifies the type of analysis to perform.

  • n_components (int, optional): specifies the number of components to use for the PLS analysis.

  • var (float, optional): specifies the variance explained threshold to use for the PLS analysis.

  • regions: specifies if the analysis should be performed on the cortical regions only or on the whole brain. The possible values are: "cort+sub" (or "all") or "cort".

Once the class is initialise you can run the analysis by running the .run() method.

The method has some additional parameters that can be used to run the method. Some of the parameters are:

  • gsea: bool variable to indicate whether the GSEA analysis should be run.

  • gene_set: str variable to indicate the gene set to use for the GSEA analysis.

  • outdir: str variable to indicate the output directory.

  • scan_name: str variable to indicate the name of the scan to use to save the results.

  • save_res: bool variable to indicate whether the results should be saved. Default is True.

  • gene_limit: number of genes to use for the GSEA analysis. Default is 500.

Once the correlation analysis is completed, the results can be accessed in the analysis.gene_results attribute. If you want to perform the GSEA analysis after the correlation, or on a second gene set, you can run the analysis.gsea() method. The method has the following parameters:

  • gene_set: str variable to indicate the gene set to use for the GSEA analysis.

  • outdir: str variable to indicate the output directory.

  • gene_limit: number of genes to use for the GSEA analysis. Default is 500.

It is to note that since in most cases the analysis is performed having as inputs either a neuroimaging scan (i.e., a .nii or .nii.gz file) or a txt file with some measure of interest (e.g., measures extracted using Freesurfer), we also included two additional methods to initialise the class which are:

analysis = imt.ImagignTranscriptomics.from_scan(my_scan,

to initialise the class from a scan, extracting the average from the regions, and:

analysis = imt.ImagignTranscriptomics.from_file(my_txt_file,

These methods allow you to initialise the class from a scan or a txt file respectively. In both cases the input is a path to the file of interest, while the rest of the input parameters are the same as the initialisation of the normal class explained above.